Social Connection Games

Build the most safely connected distributed team culture on the planet.


“This culture building activity felt more like a cathartic therapy session for our entire team! We’re typically very transparent and personal in our communication, but this took it to a whole new level. Even better, the dynamics of trust and empathy have been noticeably strengthened since then. A must-experience for any team, regardless of location.”

- Laurel Farrer, #1 International Remote Work Expert, Forbes Writer

- Summary of feedback surveys from past clients

- Summary of feedback surveys from past clients

Unlock your team’s individual and collective potential.

We help distributed teams build the most safely connected cultures on the planet:

Social Connection Games

Social Connection Games are an emerging practical solution for creating human connection and psychological safety in the distributed workplace.

These games have been refined for virtual events since 2015 to be powerful at cultivating trust, authenticity, empathy, and familiarity.

Experience them for yourself at our free monthly demo.

EQ Workshops

Team effectiveness will never be greater than the collective capacity for engaging in tough conversations.

Collectively build a skillful communication toolkit:

  • Transform conflict to learning and connection.

  • Develop emotional intelligence.

  • Challenge status quo.

  • Speak openly and honestly.

  • Listen with curiosity, empathy and presence.

  • Reduce emotional friction and increase intellectual friction.

Learn more about EQ Workshops here.

 “The games are fantastic. Having interested and eager participants to try it out with made it very enjoyable. I made connections quickly and felt my time was well spent participating.”
- Sunny Ziemer, COO at Distribute Consulting

“The last exercise around sharing the 2-minute story was helpful to learn that someone can understand you to a very great extent, within such a short amount of time.”
- Adriana Holcek, Associate Consultant at Bain & Company

“This session addresses everything I have been feeling and looking for - finding connection while having fun. Active listening is something I feel EVERYONE can work on too, and this does that.”
- Shira Steinberg, Employee Experience Specialist at Masterclass

“The games forced difficult conversations that were valuable, entertaining and self reflective.”
- Davis Riar, Business Value Consultant at Hootsuite

“The space that Garrett sets with these games is unique for a teams to connect and grow together on a personal front. I can imagine this having a tremendous positive impact for the teams that I work on. I was excited every time there was a psychological approach to the games or setting the space he created for us to operate in.”
- Lucas Cooke-Hromek, AI Consultant at Deloitte

Book Your First Session


Social Connection Games

90 Minutes

10-40 Participants